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Supporting Single Moms to Strengthen American Families

Writer: Compassionate Conservative RevivalCompassionate Conservative Revival

"Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it." – Proverbs 22:6

  • 15.09 million children live with a single mother in the United States

  • 35% of single mom led families live in poverty

  • Breaking generational poverty is one of the best ways to empower communities, decrease crime, and strengthen family values across America.

As compassionate conservatives, we want empowerment over entitlement. Helping single moms raise their children up in the way of the Lord is the best way to empower families to make smart decisions that strengthen the shared values that made our country great.

Here's how reasons for making policies that uplift single moms, keep them in the workforce, and make sure every American child has a fully belly and safe place to sleep.

single moms

1. Compassion

Jesus's life teaches us to show compassion for the marginalized and vulnerable. Numerous Bible passages emphasize the importance of helping those in need, particularly children. The Gospel of Matthew (25:40) reminds us, "Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me." Supporting working moms, especially those struggling in poverty, aligns with this fundamental principle of Christian compassion.

2. Strengthening the Family Unit

For Christians, the family unit is a cornerstone of society, where values, morals, and faith are nurtured. Supporting working moms contributes to family stability. By assisting mothers in their pursuit of a career and economic self-sufficiency, the entire family benefits. Financial stability leads to a healthier home environment where children can thrive.

3. Breaking the Cycle of Poverty

One of the most profound ways to combat poverty is to empower parents, particularly single mothers, to access employment opportunities. Supporting working moms through initiatives like affordable childcare, paid parental leave, and flexible work arrangements allows them to escape the clutches of poverty. When children are raised in economically stable households, they have a better chance of breaking the cycle of poverty that may have plagued previous generations.

4. Demonstrating Christ-like Love

Christians are called to show Christ-like love to others, irrespective of their circumstances. By supporting working moms, the Christian community can extend its love and care to those who need it the most. Acts of kindness and practical support can make a profound impact on the lives of these mothers and their children—and they can bring them into their local church community, completely changing the trajectory of their lives.

As a church and as a nation, what are we doing to uplift these families and make sure that these little children grow up in God's grace?


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©2024 Compassionate Conservative Revival. 

Compassionate Conservative Revival is a registered 501(c)(3). 

Project of Faith Not Fear, Faithful Citizens for Truth, Faithful Citizens Network, and Christian Citizens.

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