Who Is My Neighbor? A Speech by Reverend Billy Graham
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Who Is My Neighbor? A Speech by Reverend Billy Graham

Writer: Compassionate Conservative RevivalCompassionate Conservative Revival

Luke 10:27 - He answered, “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind’; and, ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’

The above video focuses on a sermon of the Reverend Billy Graham, where he invites us to make a commitment to Christ. Reverend Graham acknowledges that some in the audience may not be believers: they have come out of curiosity or because they were invited. But despite this, he emphasizes that their presence is not by accident. This moment could potentially be the most important of their lives.

Reverend Graham leads the audience in a prayer, expressing gratitude to God for those who have come and asking for those whose hearts have been prepared to respond to the claims of Jesus Christ. The speaker then instructs the audience to turn to a specific passage in the Bible, beginning at Luke 10:25.

Reverend Graham engages the audience by asking those under thirty years of age to stand up, recognizing the shift in demographics over the years. The speaker shares a conversation he had with the president of Harvard University, who identified commitment as the greatest need among students. He connects this need for commitment to the audience's lives and invites them to make a commitment to Christ.

Reverend Graham proceeds to discuss the parable of the Good Samaritan from Luke's Gospel. The speaker highlights the questions posed by a lawyer to Jesus, asking what he must do to inherit eternal life and who his neighbor is. The speaker explains that eternal life cannot be inherited and that our neighbor includes not only those close to us but also people from different races and cultural backgrounds.

Reverend Graham emphasizes the importance of loving and praying for people from all over the world, as modern technology has made the whole world our neighborhood. The speaker mentions the challenges of racial relationships and shares personal experiences of preaching to integrated audiences. The speaker also addresses the disparities in wealth and the responsibility to help those in need.

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Project of Faith Not Fear, Faithful Citizens for Truth, Faithful Citizens Network, and Christian Citizens.

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